Religions Around The World

In the early morning hours, monks can be seen walking on their alms round in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Showing humility and detachment from worldly goods, the monk walks slowly and only stops if he is called. Standing quietly, with his bowl open, the local Buddhists give him rice, or flowers, or an envelope containing money.  In return, the monks bless the local Buddhists and wish them a long and fruitful life.
Christians Celebrate Good Friday
Enacting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in St. Mary's Church in Secunderabad, India. Only 2.3% of India's population is Christian. 
Ancient interior mosaic in the Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora
The Church of the Holy Saviour in Istanbul, Turkey is a medieval Byzantine Greek Orthodox church.
Dome of the Rock located in the Old City of Jerusalem
The site's great significance for Muslims derives from traditions connecting it to the creation of the world and to the belief that the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey to heaven started from the rock at the center of the structure.
Holi Festival in Mathura, India
Holi is a Hindu festival that marks the end of winter. Also known as the “festival of colors”,  Holi is primarily observed in South Asia but has spread across the world in celebration of love and the changing of the seasons.
Jewish father and daughter pray at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israel.
Known in Hebrew as the Western Wall, it is one of the holiest sites in the world. The description, "place of weeping", originated from the Jewish practice of mourning the destruction of the Temple and praying for its rebuilding at the site of the Western Wall.
People praying in Mengjia Longshan Temple in Taipei, Taiwan
The temple is dedicated to both Taoism and Buddhism.
People praying in the Grand Mosque in Ulu Cami
This is the most important mosque in Bursa, Turkey and a landmark of early Ottoman architecture built in 1399.
Savior Transfiguration Cathedral of the Savior Monastery of St. Euthymius
Located in Suzdal, Russia, this is a church rite of sanctification of apples and grapes in honor of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
Fushimi Inari Shrine is located in Kyoto, Japan
It is famous for its thousands of vermilion torii gates, which straddle a network of trails behind its main buildings. Fushimi Inari is the most important Shinto shrine dedicated to Inari, the Shinto god of rice.
Ladles at the purification fountain in the Hakone Shrine
Located in Hakone, Japan, this shrine is a Japanese Shinto shrine.  At the purification fountain, ritual washings are performed by individuals when they visit a shrine. This ritual symbolizes the inner purity necessary for a truly human and spiritual life.
Hanging Gardens of Haifa are garden terraces around the Shrine of the Báb on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel
They are one of the most visited tourist attractions in Israel. The Shrine of the Báb is where the remains of the Báb, founder of the Bábí Faith and forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh in the Bahá'í Faith, have been buried; it is considered to be the second holiest place on Earth for Bahá'ís.
Pilgrims praying at the Pool of the Nectar of Immortality and Golden Temple
Located in Amritsar, India, the Golden Temple is one of the most revered spiritual sites of Sikhism. It is a place of worship for men and women from all walks of life and all religions to worship God equally. Over 100,000 people visit the shrine daily.
Entrance gateway of Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple Kowloon
Located in Hong Kong, China, the temple is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin, or the Great Immortal Wong. The Taoist temple is famed for the many prayers answered: "What you request is what you get" via a practice called kau cim.
Christian women worship at a church in Bois Neus, Haiti.
Haiti's population is 94.8 percent Christian, primarily Catholic. This makes them one of the most heavily Christian countries in the world.

Catholic bishops urge ‘no’ vote on Florida marijuana initiative

Marijuana leaves. / Credit: Armando Olivo Martín del Campo CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 17, 2024 / 15:00 pm (CNA).

Florida’s Catholic bishops are urging residents to vote no on a ballot initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in the Sunshine State as activists on both sides continue to funnel millions of dollars into the record-breaking campaign.

Amendment 3, which would legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults 21 and older, is the most expensive cannabis-focused campaign in United States history. 

As of late September, supporters of the initiative have spent more than $90 million to encourage a yes vote and opponents have spent more than $14 million to urge Floridians to vote no, according to Ballotpedia

The initiative would change Article X of the state constitution, which already has provisions for the medicinal use of marijuana. A yes vote would add a subsection for “personal use,” which states that a person would no longer need to be “a qualifying patient” to obtain marijuana. 

Any adult 21 years old or older would be allowed to possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana.

To adopt a constitutional amendment via ballot referendum, supporters need to obtain a yes vote from 60% of voters. Some polls have shown supporters meeting that mark, but other polls have shown the referendum falling short of that threshold.

Bishops warn of increased use of marijuana, risks

One staunch opponent of the referendum is the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB), along with the various Catholic dioceses around the state.

“Legalizing marijuana makes it more accessible, removes the criminal penalties and stigma attributable to it, and creates the impression that it is safe to use,” a statement issued by the FCCB reads. 

“Taken together, these factors ultimately lead to increased use of the drug — by as much as 20% in adults,” it adds, citing a 2023 study published in Sage Journals.

The bishops cautioned that some marijuana products have higher levels of THC — the psychoactive component in marijuana that produces the “high” — than products in previous decades. 

This, the bishops warn, can exacerbate the effects of consuming the drug, such as the loss of coordination, impaired decision-making, and diminished brain function while under the influence. 

They also express concern about the long-term effects on developing brains and the dangers posed to unborn children if pregnant women consume marijuana.

The statement also references the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which teaches that “the use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life” and calls drug usage outside of therapeutic treatments “a grave offense” (No. 2291). 

The Florida bishops also reference a quote from Pope Francis in which the pontiff calls drugs “evil” and says “there can be no yielding or compromise,” urging “no to every type of drug use.”

A spokesperson for the FCCB told CNA that the bishops have shared their statement with pastors and parishes and have made themselves available for presentations.

Neither the bishops’ conference nor the dioceses are financially contributing to the “no” campaign, the spokesperson said.

Unusual political alliances on the ground

The campaign for and against the referendum has not fit neatly along political lines, with some Republicans backing the measure and some Democrats opposing it. Both campaigns are highlighting their respective bipartisan alliances.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis launched the “Florida Freedom Fund PAC” to work on defeating the amendment, but the party’s presidential nominee, former president Donald Trump, has said he will vote to adopt the amendment. Trump’s primary residence is in Florida.

The Florida Democratic Party officially supports the amendment, but former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, who served under Bill Clinton, is urging residents to vote no on the initiative.

One advertisement created by Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), which opposes legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, includes clips of DeSantis, former Democratic President Barack Obama, and other officials speaking against marijuana legalization.

Luke Niforatos, the executive vice president of SAM Action, told CNA that “the commercialization of marijuana has had adverse effects on physical and mental health, public safety, young people, and communities of color.”

“THC use reduces IQ and is medically and scientifically associated with psychosis, depression, suicidality, schizophrenia, and motor impairment,” Niforatos said. 

“Full-scale commercialization of marijuana and THC drugs also has not curbed the illicit market — in fact states are now seeing an influx of foreign drug cartels that are using the ‘legal’ marketplace to sell illicit drugs and prey on vulnerable populations.”

Alternatively, Smart and Safe Florida, which is spearheading the ballot initiative effort, is running advertisements that show Trump indicating his support for the amendment and speaking about legalizing recreational marijuana for adults. The advertisement asks voters to “join President Donald Trump” with a yes vote.

The campaign is also funding billboards that show a quote from Trump saying he will vote for the referendum.

CNA reached out to Smart and Safe Florida for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication.

In addition to the marijuana referendum, Floridians will also vote on a proposed amendment to enshrine a legal right to abortion in the state constitution. This also requires 60% support. Some polls have shown the effort reaching that benchmark, while others have shown the effort failing.

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